I’ve starved this body. Shamed it. Hid it. Worked it to the brink. Told myself I wasn’t good enough. Too fat. Too thin. Too flat. Too short. The list goes on.
Eating disorders like body dysmorphia, obsessions with weight and perfection are complex mental health issues. Fed by diet culture, social expectations, perfectionism, trauma, family issues and among other factors including (perhaps, but not proven) genetics. Triggered further by stress, life changes, toxic relationships with self or others, compulsiveness, etc. But you don’t choose to have an eating disorder, it’s not a character flaw or about vanity. It’s about so much more. And it controls your life.
Working with women to overcome body image issues is a passion of mine. When we find freedom from what I call releasing “the weight it all” meaning diet culture, faulty beliefs and thought distortions, we can turn our attention towards healing and acceptance. What would it be like for you to not obsess, not ruminate and eat without guilt or worry? What if food was just food and not good or bad? What if photos didn’t make you cringe and trigger self loathing. It is possible. Learning from my own journey, education, research and the lived experiences of others has equipped me to support you as a part of your recovery based medical and therapeutic team.
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Overcome Body Image Issues