Be the buffalo. When a storm is on the horizon and imminent, buffalo, unlike m…

Be the buffalo.

When a storm is on the horizon and imminent, buffalo, unlike most other mammals, run towards the storm.

They run directly into the very centre of the discomfort.

They seem to prefer to face distress head on. Minimizing the time waiting in unproductive panic. They do not avoid the inevitable or pretend it is not there.

Rather than prolong the pain, they embrace it.

They run towards the pain.
The distress.
The unknown.

We are socialized to avoid and minimize our feelings in grief, loss, hardship. We don’t recognize, acknowledge or move through our emotions. We favour circumventing the storms we face. And through this we hope we can bypass or escape the impact; evading the storm altogether. But the opposite becomes true. We suffer more.

Be the buffalo. Step bravely forward and into the disturbance.

Clearer skies are on the other side.

#grief #loss #cantgetoverit #recovery #trauma #mentalhealth #selfhelp #selfcare #counseling #therapy #bccounsellor #bctherapist #psycotherapy #psycotherapist #princegeorgebc #counselling #facingfears
