You are so much more than just one story.
Rumination, the same series of thoughts and feelings on repeat, can get in our way of acceleration and prevent us from even taking one step forward. But you are so much more than those stuck thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
You are truly infinite. Capable of so much more than you are giving yourself credit for. Trust me. I see it everyday.
What is your anchor, the chains and weight that tethers you down? Maybe it’s fear of failure or fear of success, a lack of confidence or overconfidence, a loss of energy or maybe too much, boredom or overstimulation, grief or anxiety or perhaps it’s old & faulty beliefs that someone put upon you and is total bullshit. Regardless, together we will unpack that old stuff and reconstruct it to get you on your way.
The hardest part about meeting with me is making that first appointment. It gets easier after that. Coaching is a form of therapeutic alliance in which we will explore what you need to be successful and how to activate those skills you already have (and maybe learn some new ones through “psychoeducation”). I don’t give advice but I do help you find your own.
Together, we are going to search your stories for the evidence of strength, resilience, creativity and passion so that you can write the next chapters of your life – and maybe take home the Pulitzer Award.
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You are so much more than just one story