I’ve starved this body. Shamed it. Hid it. Worked it to the brink. Told myself I wasn’t good enough. Too fat. Too thin. Too flat. Too short. The list goes on. Eating disorders like body dysmorphia, obsessions with weight and perfection are complex mental health issues. Fed by diet culture, social expectations, perfectionism, trauma, family issues and among other factors … Read More
Be Patient
“Be patient where you sit in the dark, the dawn is coming.” Rumi 800 years later, Rumi was onto something so relevant – even more fitting today maybe. It’s hard to hold discomfort. But what’s that light in the distance? Growth, advancement, awareness? Nothing worth having comes without some kind struggle. Learning to hold and make space for uncertainty, anxiety, … Read More
Permission Slip
Tonight I wrote myself a permission slip. “Dear life…I give Catherine the permission to…” Why? because we all need a little permission. Especially during a pandemic (I mean, this is really my “first” pandemic but I’m going out on a limb and saying it applies). I suspect that social scientists to come will learn from this global experience and if … Read More