Life gets messy. Life gets messy – doesn’t it? With love and loss and life and death. And everything in between. Sadness. Addiction. Depression. Recovery and rising again. None of it comes calm and clear. A million dreams and hopes and just as heavy a dose of reality. Hard times. And sharpe truths. Plans that don’t work out and decisions … Read More
Addiction risk factor The number one risk for developing an addiction is being …
Addiction risk factor The number one risk for developing an addiction is being human. That’s it. Being human. So nobody escapes this. Alcohol Drugs Approval Sex Food Exercise Romance novels Sugar Success Shopping Gaming Smart phones Etc x 1 Million Wether you see addiction as a brain disease or coping or numbing of deep pain and suffering or caused due … Read More
Life gets messy. Life gets messy – doesn’t it? With love and loss and life a…
Life gets messy. Life gets messy – doesn’t it? With love and loss and life and death. And everything in between. Sadness. Addiction. Depression. Recovery and rising again. None of it comes calm and clear. A million dreams and hopes and just as heavy a dose of reality. Hard times. And sharpe truths. Plans that don’t work out and decisions … Read More
Addiction If you are here, or if you need to be here, you’ve held pain so deep…
Addiction If you are here, or if you need to be here, you’ve held pain so deeply you needed escape. Trauma is what gets us here. Compassion will get us out. Compassion for ourselves as we learn that our behaviours were intended to help us “solve the problem” and relieve our pain, fears, suffering. We turned to alcohol, drugs, sex, … Read More
Afterwards. The afterwards. In our moments of deepest pain, grief, betrayal,…
Afterwards. The afterwards. In our moments of deepest pain, grief, betrayal, and hurt we do not think about what will come next. The “afterwards”. A hostage in the moment. Time standing still. Caught in the firestorm. Washed over by the wave. A narrowed focus. A nightmare becomes real, and a trauma is lived. But there is an afterwards. After the … Read More