I’m sharing a story. And taking my bravest most courageous steps of my life. This is me. Exposed and vulnerable. On childhood sexual abuse. On recovery. On complex trauma. On healing. Thank you @invisiblescarspodcast for the platform and the unwavering support. Thank you Jessalynn for your story and for setting an example that scars do not define is. The ones … Read More
Reposting / sharing the sage wisdom of @compassionateinquiry In summary, traum…
Reposting / sharing the sage wisdom of @compassionateinquiry In summary, trauma changes the nervous system, it puts it into defensive mode, and it programs your relationships. Someone once said to me, “My mother was murdered when I was 6 months old, and now I am always alone. I can’t enter into relationships.” If your mother is murdered when you were … Read More