Growing pains Over the last few weeks I’ve had such an incredible privilege to study and learn up close and in person from some very big names in my business like #gabormate #estherperel #terryreal #daniellelaporte #dralexandrasolomon #drishmajor and #terricole to name a few. It has been a whirlwind of new information and taking theory into practice. A dream come true. … Read More
Reposting / sharing the sage wisdom of @compassionateinquiry In summary, traum…
Reposting / sharing the sage wisdom of @compassionateinquiry In summary, trauma changes the nervous system, it puts it into defensive mode, and it programs your relationships. Someone once said to me, “My mother was murdered when I was 6 months old, and now I am always alone. I can’t enter into relationships.” If your mother is murdered when you were … Read More