Reclamation & Revolution The reclamation begins as a whisper. A thought so foreign and intangible it floats by, fleeting and quickly escaping. The hunger for it resisted. The hunger for anything resisted. Muted, like every emotion you have felt or are afraid to feel. Stuffed down and filling you but never offering a fullness. It’s that fullness you avoid, anyhow. … Read More
Afterwards. The afterwards. In our moments of deepest pain, grief, betrayal,…
Afterwards. The afterwards. In our moments of deepest pain, grief, betrayal, and hurt we do not think about what will come next. The “afterwards”. A hostage in the moment. Time standing still. Caught in the firestorm. Washed over by the wave. A narrowed focus. A nightmare becomes real, and a trauma is lived. But there is an afterwards. After the … Read More
Until. Here’s what I’ve learned in working for over 20 years in the helping pr…
Until. Here’s what I’ve learned in working for over 20 years in the helping profession (and through my own struggles): Until you deal with thing(s) that are holding you back, tethering you to old survival skills and behaviour that no longer benefits you, you will be held back from truly growing into your potential. Sure, you may be successful and … Read More