Be the buffalo. When a storm is on the horizon and imminent, buffalo, unlike most other mammals, run towards the storm. They run directly into the very centre of the discomfort. They seem to prefer to face distress head on. Minimizing the time waiting in unproductive panic. They do not avoid the inevitable or pretend it is not there. Rather … Read More
Behind this door. Healing starts here. Behind this door. In person or by v…
Behind this door. Healing starts here. Behind this door. In person or by virtual or by phone. This is where you nourish your soul. Face some demons. Share the story. Confront some fears. Change your perspective and your mind. Healing starts here. (My #saskatchewan heart loves this wreath from @dandylinespg – also a prairie soul). #counseling #counselling #therapy #therapist #couplestherapy … Read More
Me and Amazon. We are real tight. And Indigo. And Chapters. And university books…
Me and Amazon. We are real tight. And Indigo. And Chapters. And university bookstores, those too. The topics? Sex. Infidelity. Depression. Anxiety. Marriage. Trauma. Relationships. Addiction. Society. Feminism. Spirituality. And many more. Always a reader. Oh and Audible…yeah, I got that too. Any suggestions? Want some more? #therapistlife #bookstagram #books #selfhelpbooks #reading #selfcare #counseling #counselling #psycotherapy #psycotherapist #bccounsellor Source
On self kindness. If your internal dialogue isn’t very nice, it’s very likely …
On self kindness. If your internal dialogue isn’t very nice, it’s very likely that if you spoke to other people the way you speak to yourself, well, you’d have no friends. That was stupid. Why do you always mess things up. What’s wrong with you? You are getting so fat. You are so ugly. You can’t ever get it right. … Read More
The body knows. The body knows your emotional afflictions. No secrets can exis…
The body knows. The body knows your emotional afflictions. No secrets can exist between the soul and the host. It will not let you mask those concealed experiences forever. Eventually, the body has enough. Enter chronic pain, disease, depression, anxiety, rigidity, locked, burned out. You carry with you the road map of your life stored in the fibres of your … Read More