Visibility In relationships we rarely see the wound, only the scar. What lies deep beneath is what fuels the present. Where we come from, what our experiences were like as children, the social and political environment we live in, trauma, lived experiences, and the patriarchy all come with us into every relationship we form. Every. Single. One. That human you … Read More
Reposting / sharing the sage wisdom of @compassionateinquiry In summary, traum…
Reposting / sharing the sage wisdom of @compassionateinquiry In summary, trauma changes the nervous system, it puts it into defensive mode, and it programs your relationships. Someone once said to me, “My mother was murdered when I was 6 months old, and now I am always alone. I can’t enter into relationships.” If your mother is murdered when you were … Read More
Until. Here’s what I’ve learned in working for over 20 years in the helping pr…
Until. Here’s what I’ve learned in working for over 20 years in the helping profession (and through my own struggles): Until you deal with thing(s) that are holding you back, tethering you to old survival skills and behaviour that no longer benefits you, you will be held back from truly growing into your potential. Sure, you may be successful and … Read More