
And then it happens.

The very moment you realize you’ve been running your life like a business.

Taking care of the customers, attending to shareholders, maintaining the market. Metrics. Timelines. Milestones. Day after day. Year after year.

But then the CEO is suddenly exhausted. Can’t seem to mobilize , think clearly or even get out of bed. The daily process becomes a life sentence. But the world can’t know. The brand needs protecting. The system depends on the head office. More capacity erodes, mistakes are made, short tempers and mismatched socks.

It becomes clear that the “CEO” is actually the Caring Efficiency Officer – exclusively for others. Meeting the needs of those around them from economics to food to housing to math homework. The CEO has lunch of odd ball leftovers and unwashed hair. Too busy taking what others give than asking for they need.

Call it what you want. A breakdown. Burnout. Hitting the wall. Life crisis. Shifting. Awakening.

Coming to terms with reality is step one. Making a choice of what comes next is step two. We teach people how to treat us. And it starts with us. How do we treat ourselves? With kindness, self care and compassion or anger, resentment and contempt?

Turning self care from “luxury” to necessity is step three. Loving kindness that looks like movement. Boundaries. Time. Healthy choices. A self love that is evident. Matching socks, always optional.
