I see you

I see you. ⁣

I see you, single parent with two jobs and night school. Making the rent and lunches. Neither without stress. ⁣

I see you, business owner, with long hours and endless emails. Making the decision to sink more or stay afloat. ⁣

I see you, facing the tough decision between making the overtime or making the game. No win situations all to common. ⁣

I see you new mother, crying alone and smiling at play group. ⁣

I see you empty nester, your freedom a foreign entity with soundless halls and mixed memories. ⁣

I see you, struggling with fertility and painfully watching the world full of children, perfect round bellies of hope. ⁣

I see you, Sunday, called into work and missing bedtime – again. Crying all the way there. And back. Knowing that it is “important work” but wondering why you have to do the important work. ⁣ Privilege or punishment.

I see you, trying to figure it out. Fighting for happiness when it all feels so dark. Anger turned inwards, depression taking your precious time and resources. ⁣

I see you, measuring your worth by the numbers on a scale. Force fed media inadequacy messages three meals a day. ⁣

I see you, rising above trauma yet often pulled back in when things get tough. Old behaviours take root. ⁣

I see you, the diagnosis grim yet a will to live and thrive that beats all odds. Sad but determined. ⁣

I see you, survivor of nameless things, shame ridden and afraid of closeness and intimacy. Questions of worthlessness an ongoing battle. ⁣

I see you, in a “perfect” marriage that leaves bruises on your soul.

I see you, the once bullied kid with grown up armour. ⁣

I see you, you have it all they say. Yet you ask yourself what is it worth? ⁣

I see you. Doing your best, or at least a version of your best. Living the human experience.

I see you.
