The “bluest” month

Feeling down? It’s January. The “bluest” month of the year. In a good year. Let alone in the second wave of a global pandemic. ⁣

But consider this, feeling depressed is not the same as being depressed or having clinical depression. You can feel depressed and not have depression. ⁣

In our contract with life we get both joy and pain. Experiencing sadness is natural and normal yet we classify feeling down as pathological. Something to be cured rather than endured. It’s ok to feel shitty, for a while. However, if you are unsure if you have clinical depression then talk to a medical doctor or therapist who is qualified. It turns out that in 2020 diagnosis of depression and antidepressant Rx’s went up 17% from 2019. That’s a massive jump and a concerning statistic. ⁣

So what helps “prevent” and/or “cure” depression? Well that’s a controversial topic with many opinions. The best answer is “it depends”. But, research shows that movement, mindfulness, lifestyle factors (food, sleep, etc.) and counselling can help buffer depression and support recovery. These tactics also help us live our best life. You don’t need to wait to start that Rx – it’s good anytime. And you don’t need your doctor to administer – I’m prescribing it widely.

(If it isn’t clear…see your doctor and discuss depression if you think you have it and explore your best care options. Medical advice should not be administered on social media so make the appropriate appointments with trained medical professionals. I repeat: see your doctor if you have medical concerns). ⁣
