Women’s Day “Gender inequality is one of the oldest and most pervasive forms of…

Women’s Day

“Gender inequality is one of the oldest and most pervasive forms of inequality in the world. It denies women their voices, devalues their work and make women’s position unequal to men’s, from the household to the national and global levels.

Despite some important progress to change this in recent years, in no country have women achieved economic equality with men, and women are still more likely than men to live in poverty.” UN / Oxfam International.

The realities, on average:

Low wages

Sexual violence

Limited or restricted access to education

Lack of decent work

Limited or inaccessible childcare

Longer workdays

Social and cultural requirements of marriage and reproduction

This is the reality for many women globally. Even here in Canada.

Let’s celebrate but not overlook the realities the remain.

#feminism #internationalwomensday #endviolenceagainstwomen #breakthebias #womensrightsarehumanrights #womensupportingwomen #womensrights #endpoverty #womeninbusiness
