Hey…so if you follow me you’ll know we are all about “stories” here at Momentum. I specialize in what’s called Narrative Therapy. A form of post modern therapy (thanks UVic!) that looks at the stories we construct in our lives and how we organize around them. I’m strength based which means I also see you as the expert in you. And my niche is in human relationships, sex and intimacy.
So, in not so usual fashion… I’m wondering if you’d like help me write a story?
Write. A. Story.
Right here on Instagram…
A seven part series that we will construct – and deconstruct – together.
So, where shall we begin….
Starters anyone? Message, text, email me your ideas.
7 instalments of our story. Seven posts of our characters growing together.
Ready? I am. Creative outlet is soooo needed.
What’s it gonna be… a love affair, a reawakening, a self discovery, a marriage brought back to life, a family that faces a hard truth, a mental health crisis turned growth?
I’ll give it a day and then I’ll start using your ideas in our story. Together let’s create a lasting story and see how we are reflected in our shared narrative.
#instagramstories #letstalk #creative #story #narrative #participation #counseling #therapy #princegeorgebc #britishcolumbia #storiesofinstagram