Season. “In this season so full of light there is a darkness that fills my heart. I’m not alone, this much is known. Lights shine bright in others nights while mine looks on, rested upon.” So many who have held back the tears, drowning in smiles while the truth floats below the surface. The heartbreak of loss, the devastating decisions, … Read More
Motherhood Some deserve to be mothers, hearts yearning and full of potential, …
Motherhood Some deserve to be mothers, hearts yearning and full of potential, yet never become one. Some are not well suited or not ready to be mothers, their own anguish and issues abound, and yet they are gifted with life. Some try and try and try again; and experience joy followed by tragedy, perhaps to finally succeed or put to … Read More
Trigger warning When you own a business you are “told” directly or indirectly…
Trigger warning ⚠️ When you own a business you are “told” directly or indirectly to stay silent on matters of political, religious or socially contentious issues. And this is especially true as a therapist because I don’t want to alienate anyone; I value diversity of human beliefs and I’m trained to keep my countertransference and biases in line. I can’t … Read More