Feeling the love. My favourite pastime and nature based solution to seasonal depression. Just add skis. #crosscountryskiing #mentalhealth #movementismedicine #moveyourbody #lifestylemedicine #dopamine #endorphins #princegeorgebc #moveuppg #winter #love #lovewintertime❄️ #delhi2dublin Source
Danger… Like clockwork, this is the time of year when the “new you” sales ma…
Danger… Like clockwork, this is the time of year when the “new you” sales machines start to fire up. Take this shake. Use this supplement. Do this workout. Detox. Macros. Micros. We get sold on a new body. New life. New start. Be a cautious consumer. Consider what is really worth it … Read More
Blue Monday. On Monday, January 17th we will have reached “Blue Monday”. The t…
Blue Monday. On Monday, January 17th we will have reached “Blue Monday”. The third Monday in January is dubbed the most depressing day of the year. A combination of post holiday reality, dark days and long nights, and colder weather prevail. Not to mention the holiday bills and the reality that most New Year’s resolutions don’t make it past this … Read More
Burnout. In the book “Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny” by Kate Manne, a fasci…
Burnout. In the book “Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny” by Kate Manne, a fascinating concept is introduced: Human Giver Syndrome. Human Giver Syndrome is the belief that some people (the givers) are supposed to exist to put all of their energy into creating comfort and success for other people, and to be attractive and available, physically and emotionally, at … Read More
Posted @withregram • @cjspennington When do you feel your most authentic? Some…
Posted @withregram • @cjspennington When do you feel your most authentic? Sometimes slowing things down is necessary. No sounds. No tech. No demands. All the distractions gone quiet means I have to face the things I’ve been hiding from. And that’s ok. #jaspernationalpark #jasper #pyramidlake #winter #dogwalk #nature #getoutside #naturetherapy #movementismedicine #mentalhealth #riseup #renew #parkscanada #jasperalberta Source