Be the buffalo. When a storm is on the horizon and imminent, buffalo, unlike most other mammals, run towards the storm. They run directly into the very centre of the discomfort. They seem to prefer to face distress head on. Minimizing the time waiting in unproductive panic. They do not avoid the inevitable or pretend it is not there. Rather … Read More
Communication. Being in a relationship and not saying what your think, want, ex…
Communication. Being in a relationship and not saying what your think, want, expect and need is like driving on a busy freeway and trying to changing lanes – without signalling. Every time you try to move you get blocked. There are incidents and accidents. You keep struggling to get where you want to go. It’s an exercise in frustration and … Read More
Family holidays. Family based holidays. Generally, good business for therapis…
Family holidays. Family based holidays. Generally, good business for therapists follows. In all seriousness, just remember, you have some control. If nothing else, in how your react. Enjoy or tolerate it, either way, Happy Thanksgiving from Momentum Counselling. #thanksgiving #family #familytime #familydysfunction #familydynamics #counseling #counselling #therapy #bccounsellor #princegeorgebc Source
Behind this door. Healing starts here. Behind this door. In person or by v…
Behind this door. Healing starts here. Behind this door. In person or by virtual or by phone. This is where you nourish your soul. Face some demons. Share the story. Confront some fears. Change your perspective and your mind. Healing starts here. (My #saskatchewan heart loves this wreath from @dandylinespg – also a prairie soul). #counseling #counselling #therapy #therapist #couplestherapy … Read More
Be your own therapist. You can be your own coach and therapist. Here’s a few …
Be your own therapist. You can be your own coach and therapist. Here’s a few tips: 1) Ask “why”. Stop. Breath. Ask yourself gently and with compassion why you are feeling, thinking, behaving the way you are. Just let the answer land without judgement. 2) Become aware. Know your patterns. Get familiar with how you respond. Notice what you notice … Read More
Counselling helps. Gotta complex story? Don’t worry, there’s a therapy for tha…
Counselling helps. Gotta complex story? Don’t worry, there’s a therapy for that. We all have a messy ball of string sorta story. The ones that twist and turn. But don’t worry, I can keep up. It’s not the story but what it means to you that matters. I’m good at helping you untangle the web. And once it’s all smoothed … Read More
New Year 2023 Realign: ~verb: To change or restore to a different or forme…
New Year 2023 Realign: ~verb: To change or restore to a different or former position or state. To change one’s position or attitude with regard to (a person, organization, or cause). What do you need to realign so that life can lived in alignment with your values, beliefs, goals, dreams and desires? Realign. It’s a verb. An action word. Are … Read More
Feeling the love. My favourite pastime and nature based solution to seasonal dep…
Feeling the love. My favourite pastime and nature based solution to seasonal depression. Just add skis. #crosscountryskiing #mentalhealth #movementismedicine #moveyourbody #lifestylemedicine #dopamine #endorphins #princegeorgebc #moveuppg #winter #love #lovewintertime❄️ #delhi2dublin Source
Visibility In relationships we rarely see the wound, only the scar. What lie…
Visibility In relationships we rarely see the wound, only the scar. What lies deep beneath is what fuels the present. Where we come from, what our experiences were like as children, the social and political environment we live in, trauma, lived experiences, and the patriarchy all come with us into every relationship we form. Every. Single. One. That human you … Read More
Virtual therapy I see people in their offices. In parked cars. Sitting on the…
Virtual therapy I see people in their offices. In parked cars. Sitting on their deck. With toddlers on their lap. Couples in their living rooms. Hiding in bathrooms for privacy. In locked bedrooms sitting in their bed. In various time zones and provinces. Sometimes, more often than you’d think, I only hear voices on the other line of the phone. … Read More