Under water or on the rise? Sometimes I can’t tell the difference between feel…

Under water or on the rise?

Sometimes I can’t tell the difference between feeling under water with workload, stress, self doubt and the feeling of coming up for air, cresting the high water mark, and rising above until that moment I realize, “I’m ok again”.

That’s because the energy it takes to rise up, resist the default setting and fight to come back is so intense.

In turns out coming back to yourself is not always an smooth transition. Life for me includes that feeling being “oh so balanced and together” to the extreme end of the the continuum where disharmony meets disaster.

I’ve learned to accept this reality and to live with it. Allowing the weight to fall upon me all the while knowing I’ve got what it takes to rise again when the time is right.

Sometimes surrender is the greatest act of courage. Sometimes bravery is knowing that the weaker you makes way for the powerful.

#counseling #therapy #riseandfall #surrender #selflove #selfconfidence #selfcare #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #overcome #innerstrength #worklifebalanced #workload #burnout #burnoutrecovery #mindset #bccounsellor #counselling
