Crisis is the mother of (re)invention of the self. You can’t go back after a crisis because you are changed. But not necessarily for the worse.
Did you know that personality is not set?
In 2012 academics found as many participants as possible of a Scottish study conducted in 1947 on personality. At the time of the study, participants were 14 years old. They were about 77 in 2012. What the research found (I’ll spare you the controlled study details) is that while personality is consistent over the short term, it definitely changes over time as we age. Personality is considered to be consistent traits of thought, emotion and behaviour. But our personality changes over time due to life experiences, life transitions, stages, biology and yes, crisis.
Personality changes over time. And with this knowledge we can make conscious choices to develop towards the person we want to be, even in the face of difficulty. This is often known as post traumatic growth. Crisis sucks, no question. Yet it shapes us. Learn how to harness it.
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