Price adjustment. Yep, I’m more expensive than I was last week. Because life…

Price adjustment.

Yep, I’m more expensive than I was last week.

Because life is that much more expensive, too.

Not much we can do about it but practice acceptance and move on.

My rates have been adjusted (increased) and now include GST.

But to keep it in perspective – I’m still offering sessions at (significantly) reduced rate to those of my peers.

Why? Well for one thing, mental health services have never been in such high demand and most people do not have extended health benefits. So I try to keep my rates at a place that is within reach. But, I’ll have to make adjustments (now and in the future) just like everyone else. Although most therapists don’t offer a package rate, I am now offering a reduced rate if I’m working with a client for more than three sessions.

I won’t “apologize” because I don’t control inflation, cost of living increases, gas prices and supply chain issues. But like you, I am impacted by these too.

But don’t worry, what hasn’t changed is quality, compassionate, honest, trustworthy, skilled and professional services. Every time.

Thank you for your understanding.


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