I know it’s stupid…
It shouldn’t matter….
I don’t know why this bothers me so much….
I’m body positive, why do I care?
It’s so trivial…
But is it? When your life is predicated on daily and often moment to moment unwelcome and obtrusive thoughts about how you don’t measure up, are not enough, are a failure, have disappointed your spouse, are incapable – is that trivial?
When you can’t feel happiness or sensuality or confidence because your body is not in an alignment with your soul is that silly? When “the weight of it all” sucks the oxygen from your life and robs you of freedom and self expression is that not a problem? If your ability to be sexually connected keeps you on your side of the bed and causes distance in your relationship is that inconsequential?
When you consider medical extremes – is that a small thing?
Let’s respect that your are struggling. Let’s not judge if it’s ok or not ok to feel a certain way.
But let’s also call out the social factors that contribute and question the standards you’ve adopted. Let’s point the finger back at patriarchy and consumerism.
It’s not all your fault.
If I had a dollar for every time a human sat in front of me, usually woman but not always, with tears and deep pain who preface their story with a disclaimer about their weight, I’d be wealthy.
Unfortunately in our culture these feelings are pervasive. I have had a saying that I wish wasn’t accurate about 98% of time which is “show me a woman and I’ll show you a body image issue”. Myself included my friends.
There’s more to life, sure, but this is also an issue that affects too many. And disrespecting the struggle is not helping. Let’s recognize the mental health impact of this.
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