Growing pains Over the last few weeks I’ve had such an incredible privilege to…

Growing pains Over the last few weeks I’ve had such an incredible privilege to study and learn up close and in person from some very big names in my business like #gabormate #estherperel #terryreal #daniellelaporte #dralexandrasolomon #drishmajor and #terricole to name a few. It has been a whirlwind of new information and taking theory into practice. A dream come true. … Read More

Me and Amazon. We are real tight. And Indigo. And Chapters. And university books…

Me and Amazon. We are real tight. And Indigo. And Chapters. And university bookstores, those too. The topics? Sex. Infidelity. Depression. Anxiety. Marriage. Trauma. Relationships. Addiction. Society. Feminism. Spirituality. And many more. Always a reader. Oh and Audible…yeah, I got that too. Any suggestions? Want some more? #therapistlife #bookstagram #books #selfhelpbooks #reading #selfcare #counseling #counselling #psycotherapy #psycotherapist #bccounsellor   Source

Virtual therapy I see people in their offices. In parked cars. Sitting on the…

Virtual therapy I see people in their offices. In parked cars. Sitting on their deck. With toddlers on their lap. Couples in their living rooms. Hiding in bathrooms for privacy. In locked bedrooms sitting in their bed. In various time zones and provinces. Sometimes, more often than you’d think, I only hear voices on the other line of the phone. … Read More

Nursing If there was ever a job that embodied compassion, I’m pretty sure nursi…

Nursing If there was ever a job that embodied compassion, I’m pretty sure nursing would be it. Compassion literally means “to suffer together.” Among emotion researchers, it is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. Under resourced, under paid, under appreciated, under staffed nursing is not for … Read More

Trigger warning When you own a business you are “told” directly or indirectly…

Trigger warning ⚠️ When you own a business you are “told” directly or indirectly to stay silent on matters of political, religious or socially contentious issues. And this is especially true as a therapist because I don’t want to alienate anyone; I value diversity of human beliefs and I’m trained to keep my countertransference and biases in line. I can’t … Read More

Anxious thoughts. Anxious thoughts are powerful because they are automatic. To…

Anxious thoughts. Anxious thoughts are powerful because they are automatic. Total automatic asshole thoughts. Here’s 10 questions to ask yourself to help fight them off. 1) Is it “true”? 2) How do I know it’s true? 3) Is the anxious thought 100% true? (something less than 100% true is not true) 4) What’s the evidence against it being true? 5) … Read More