In the book “Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny” by Kate Manne, a fascinating concept is introduced:
Human Giver Syndrome.
Human Giver Syndrome is the belief that some people (the givers) are supposed to exist to put all of their energy into creating comfort and success for other people, and to be attractive and available, physically and emotionally, at all times while doing it. People pleasing x 100000.
Now, not all women are “human givers” and some men find themselves in this category too. It’s just more woman (like waaaaay more) find themselves in the trap / faulty belief of human giving.
There’s lots of reasons for this but the message here is this: being a “human giver” full time, without self care, self awareness, boundaries and stress capabilities = BURNOUT 🔥🔥🔥.
Learn about why you are a human giver and start to change behaviours and beliefs that are not serving you. Learn mechanisms to manage stress. Learn about what your needs are and what emotions you have the right to express.
Now if you will excuse me, I have to get back to parenting,my endless to do list, laundry, meal prep, taxi service, emotional support role and passive aggressive tendencies. Hummmm, wait, am I too a human giver? (Answer:obvious). Welcome to the club.
So what am I going to do about it it? Stay tuned.
#selfcare #EQI #emotions #burnout #burnoutrecovery #selflove #selfcompassion #counseling #therapy #therapist #humangiversyndrome #feminism #psycotherapy #bccounsellor #awareness #princegeorgebc #britishcolumbia #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #movementismedicine #recovery #parenting #selfcareishealthcare #faultybeliefs