Until. Here’s what I’ve learned in working for over 20 years in the helping pr…


Here’s what I’ve learned in working for over 20 years in the helping profession (and through my own struggles):

Until you deal with thing(s) that are holding you back, tethering you to old survival skills and behaviour that no longer benefits you, you will be held back from truly growing into your potential. Sure, you may be successful and become powerful. You might have admirers and followers. You may make a lot of money or overcome obstacles. You might start a successful business, get married, have children, become accomplished. You might overcome many awful things in life.

But you might not feel truly happy, content or satisfied in yourself. It will never feel right, like it’s enough or you are enough, good enough, or stable enough. Scarcity may drive you. Fear. Uncertainty. Obsessions about money, prestige, belonging, body image.


Until you face the thing that holds you back. Until you deconstruct the old narrative and the story that has attached itself to you. It’s likely not even your story but it’s been adopted by you and it does not serve you.


And then it begins.

The new chapter.


#inner #selfworth #traumarecovery #traumahealing #recovery #selfexploration #counselling #therapy #bccounsellor #princegeorgebc #overcome #lookinsideyourself #selflove #healing #healingjourney
