Sensitive partners. Learning to love a sensitive partner. The sensitive part…

Sensitive partners.

Learning to love a sensitive partner.

The sensitive partner will hear every word. Will absorb every comment. Will read your every move and likely read into it, to.

Your sharp response, unbridled self expression, frustration and displacement will be taken personally.

They will typically retreat over retaliate, over think, wound easily and hold onto the things you think should be over. What was a moment in time to you, inconsequential, is locked in memory and heart for them.

Being able to talk about the sensitivity and leaning into the beauty of it, learning about what role it has, without being shamed about being “just too sensitive” is music to the sensitive person’s ears.

Both parties to the relationship have a responsibility to mange their emotions and grow relationally yet knowing your sensitive partner’s tendencies will help in recovery when those unavoidable upsets happen. It takes patience and healthy boundaries.

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