New Year 2023 Realign: ~verb: To change or restore to a different or forme…

New Year 2023 Realign: ~verb: To change or restore to a different or former position or state. To change one’s position or attitude with regard to (a person, organization, or cause). What do you need to realign so that life can lived in alignment with your values, beliefs, goals, dreams and desires? Realign. It’s a verb. An action word. Are … Read More

Reclamation & Revolution The reclamation begins as a whisper. A thought so f…

Reclamation & Revolution The reclamation begins as a whisper. A thought so foreign and intangible it floats by, fleeting and quickly escaping. The hunger for it resisted. The hunger for anything resisted. Muted, like every emotion you have felt or are afraid to feel. Stuffed down and filling you but never offering a fullness. It’s that fullness you avoid, anyhow. … Read More

Growing What story grows within you? Waiting to be told. With plot twists and…

Growing What story grows within you? Waiting to be told. With plot twists and heartache, winding a path of its own. No comparison is needed. No other like it can be bought nor sold. Unique like you, yours yet untold. #shareyourstory #narrativetherapy #counselingworks #counseling #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #innerstrength Source

Addiction risk factor The number one risk for developing an addiction is being …

Addiction risk factor The number one risk for developing an addiction is being human. That’s it. Being human. So nobody escapes this. Alcohol Drugs Approval Sex Food Exercise Romance novels Sugar Success Shopping Gaming Smart phones Etc x 1 Million Wether you see addiction as a brain disease or coping or numbing of deep pain and suffering or caused due … Read More