Healing. Healing is a verb. It’s what you do. It’s found in the choices you make. Healing is an action. This is the work. And it’s worth it. But it’s often a lifetime commitment. So get comfortable. #healing #recovery #grief #counseling #therapy #divein #trauma #bccounsellor #certifiedtherapist #candiancounselling Source
Visibility In relationships we rarely see the wound, only the scar. What lie…
Visibility In relationships we rarely see the wound, only the scar. What lies deep beneath is what fuels the present. Where we come from, what our experiences were like as children, the social and political environment we live in, trauma, lived experiences, and the patriarchy all come with us into every relationship we form. Every. Single. One. That human you … Read More
Virtual therapy I see people in their offices. In parked cars. Sitting on the…
Virtual therapy I see people in their offices. In parked cars. Sitting on their deck. With toddlers on their lap. Couples in their living rooms. Hiding in bathrooms for privacy. In locked bedrooms sitting in their bed. In various time zones and provinces. Sometimes, more often than you’d think, I only hear voices on the other line of the phone. … Read More
Motherhood Some deserve to be mothers, hearts yearning and full of potential, …
Motherhood Some deserve to be mothers, hearts yearning and full of potential, yet never become one. Some are not well suited or not ready to be mothers, their own anguish and issues abound, and yet they are gifted with life. Some try and try and try again; and experience joy followed by tragedy, perhaps to finally succeed or put to … Read More
Nursing If there was ever a job that embodied compassion, I’m pretty sure nursi…
Nursing If there was ever a job that embodied compassion, I’m pretty sure nursing would be it. Compassion literally means “to suffer together.” Among emotion researchers, it is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. Under resourced, under paid, under appreciated, under staffed nursing is not for … Read More
Trigger warning When you own a business you are “told” directly or indirectly…
Trigger warning ⚠️ When you own a business you are “told” directly or indirectly to stay silent on matters of political, religious or socially contentious issues. And this is especially true as a therapist because I don’t want to alienate anyone; I value diversity of human beliefs and I’m trained to keep my countertransference and biases in line. I can’t … Read More
If you know me, you know I believe in change. I believe in the human spirit desi…
If you know me, you know I believe in change. I believe in the human spirit designed to rise and fall, and rise again. Life is not linear, it’s full of good and amazing and awful and painful. It is all the things we want and often more of what we do not. It’s our adversity that makes is stronger … Read More
Relationships. As a couples therapist I want to say something to everyone in a…
Relationships. As a couples therapist I want to say something to everyone in a relationship: Relationships change over time. They have to. Because… You change over time, constantly in development from year to year. It’s called lifespan development. Milestones change us. Children, jobs, self awareness, failures, lessons, life events. Your partner changes, just like you. And because of this, our … Read More
Sensitive partners. Learning to love a sensitive partner. The sensitive part…
Sensitive partners. Learning to love a sensitive partner. The sensitive partner will hear every word. Will absorb every comment. Will read your every move and likely read into it, to. Your sharp response, unbridled self expression, frustration and displacement will be taken personally. They will typically retreat over retaliate, over think, wound easily and hold onto the things you think … Read More
Me. Hi. It’s Catherine. The therapist of Momentum Counselling. Common questi…
Me. Hi. It’s Catherine. The therapist of Momentum Counselling. Common questions: Who are you? First, I’m a mom of two amazing kids. Now both teenagers! I have been working in the healing / helping profession for over 20 years and I also work in corporate Canada. I practiced as a social worker in BC and am now a registered counsellor … Read More