And then it happens. The very moment you realize you’ve been running your life like a business. Taking care of the customers, attending to shareholders, maintaining the market. Metrics. Timelines. Milestones. Day after day. Year after year. But then the CEO is suddenly exhausted. Can’t seem to mobilize , think clearly or even get out of bed. The daily process … Read More
The “bluest” month
Feeling down? It’s January. The “bluest” month of the year. In a good year. Let alone in the second wave of a global pandemic. But consider this, feeling depressed is not the same as being depressed or having clinical depression. You can feel depressed and not have depression. In our contract with life we get both joy and pain. Experiencing … Read More
Deafening Silence
The things we never talk about have a deafening silence. Addiction RapeIncest Abortion Child abuse Domestic violence STI’s Adultery Self harm MiscarriageSuicide Emotional violence SIDSInfertility Mental health PTSD Bankruptcy Yet every single person has been impacted by one or more of these. Every. Single. Person. No matter if you see yourself as a the victim or the villain in your … Read More
Sometimes they come knocking. DoubtFearShameGuilt Sometimes I open the door. Even though I know better. Often they have friends with them, unwelcome guests. They say things like “who do you think you are?” and “You won’t succeed, you never do”. And then they make themselves at home. Demanding access to my memory, creating a revisionist history, reinforcing and enhancing a … Read More
Top Tips for Diet Success
Here it is! My top tips for diet success! I am a professional so read on… ➡️ Don’t fu&@ing diet. And… ➡️ You do not need a cleanse. Full stop. ➡️Anybody trying to sell you shakes, chemical food, prepackaged snacks likely has alternative financial motives. Think about that. Get a true professional on your side if you want and need … Read More
What does it look like?
When did someone decide what fitness, health and beauty looked like and when did we start to believe them? When did we decide that marketing and sales centred around “perfection” was reasonable even though the metric and model was fictitious? When did judgements and shame become our right to cast upon ourselves and others? When did we decide our daughters … Read More
Go through it
Sometimes the only way through the most painful journey is right through the very heart of it. When faced with pain and uncertainty the natural instinct is often to manoeuvre around it, to locate solutions, to avoid holding the discomfort and finding coping mechanisms that alleviate the burden. We are designed to alleviate threat and discomfort as a basic survival … Read More
Imposter Syndrome
“I am a total fraud”. “Eventually someone will see that I’ve just gotten lucky – so far”. “I don’t really know what doing, I’ve just faked my way through”. Imposter syndrome. The faulty belief that you got to where you are by luck, being in the right place at the right time, waiting it out and by the people you … Read More
Walk towards what you want
When I finally learned the difference between walking towards what I want – rather than away from what I don’t – it was perhaps one of my biggest personal awareness “ah ha’s”. My moment of consciousness. Many of us live our lives knowing what we don’t want, running away from perceived danger and focused on scarcity, scanning the environment for … Read More
Why are we here?
At Momentum we help people to connect with their purpose. To find their passion – or reinvigorate old ones. To overcome old stories, narratives and beliefs that are no longer serving them. To question the status quo. To challenge behaviours that don’t yield results. To activate their strengths and make a sustainable, exciting and realistic plan for success. Be it … Read More